Problems and prospects of development of the confectionery industry of Ukraine




confectionery industry, production, export, import, profit


The article discusses the main problems and prospects of the confectionery industry development of Ukraine with aim of determining the characteristics of industry development and future prospects. It has been established that despite the negative impact of external environment on the industry enterprises activity, some manufacturers have improved their market position. The basis of study is an integrated approach to analysis of the confectionery industry functioning in Ukraine. In the course of study, the following methods were applied: statistical and economic – in trends determining of the confectionery industry development in Ukraine during 2013–2018; abstract-logical – to summarize the results of research, the prospects formation of the confectionery products market development and the formulation of conclusions. The industry analysis of the confectionery products market was carried out. The main competitors in the domestic market and the share of domestic producers of sweets in the domestic market are determined by product groups: flour confectionery; cocoa, its products and chocolate products; sugar and sugar confectionery. New trends in the confectionery industry development were discovered, in particular: expansion of new goods production: cocoa butter; cocoa fat; products containing cocoa for making drinks; sugar confectionery containing fruits, berries, nuts, candied, glazed or crystallized; growing demand for organic sweets, mainly imported. According to the results of the assessment of supply and demand for sweets of domestic consumers, promising directions of the confectionery industry enterprises development in Ukraine were established. The prospects for promoting of enterprises products in the domestic and foreign markets are determined.

Author Biography

Anton Voronin, Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, Corporate and Spatial Economics Department


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Marketing, entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity