Energetic self-sufficiency of communities as a way to local economic development





community, energy self-sufficiency, renewable energy sources, local economic development, energy efficiency support mechanisms, energy management, community energy plan


The article considers the administrative-territorial reform from the perspective of challenges and threats to the socio-economic development of territories and increases the level of well-being of the population. The basic principles of state regional policy are determined: systematic and complementary, and their characteristics are presented. The distribution of core powers between local governments in accordance with the Concept of reforming local government and territorial organization of authority in Ukraine has been carried out. Among the problems of modern system forming of local government organization, considerable attention is paid to reforming the local government system, which will determine the further stable development of Ukrainian society. Legal support of local authorities’ activity in Ukraine at the present stage requires the development of such a governance model that would be consistent with the principles of the European Charter of Local Self-Government and, first of all, clearly delineate the powers between the relevant branches of government regarding the performance of assigned functions. The aim of the article is to analyze the energy selfsufficiency of communities by reducing and replacing gas consumption, increasing of energy efficiency level in various spheres of vital activity of the population, and developing the renewable energetics of the territorial community. The planning of the communities’ transition to renewable energy sources (RES) is investigated. Baseline indicators are developed for decisions making in the energy sector regarding the transition to renewable energy sources in the community from the perspective of investors attracting. The energy efficiency and renewable energy sources support programs are analyzed. Mechanisms of energy efficiency support and the capacity increasing of the united territorial communities are proposed due to energy self-sufficiency.

Author Biography

Tetyana Gurgula, Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the NASA under the President of Ukraine

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Regional Administration and Local Self Government Department


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Economics and national economy management