Investigation of clusterization process features of tourism sector of Europe




clusters, tourism clusters, tourism business, clustering process, European Cluster Collaboration Platform


The article investigations the European experience of the clustering process in general and the organization of tourism clusters in particular. It is noted that in the conditions of globalization, clusters have become a consolidating force, which helps achieve maximum production efficiency and obtain significant competitive advantages for enterprises, and, as a result, leads to an increase in the country’s competitiveness. The reasons and goals of tourist clusters creation not only within the European Union, but also in countries, which are currently not part of it, are considered. Different types and types of tourist clusters are analyzed: medical tourism, ecological tourism, active types of tourism, etc. The role of state policy and support of tourism clusters in different European countries is determined. The purpose and objectives of the article – to assess the overall of clustering process, including in the tourism sector in Europe, for further use for tourism business development in Ukraine. The tendencies due to which through clustering processes it is possible to increase the development of tourism in the short, medium and long term, are generalized. The hypothesis that clustering can facilitate cooperation with government authorities in developing programs to support clusters and more efficient use of public funds is substantiated. It is proved that the clusters formation is an effective mechanism for foreign direct investment attracting and provides a multiplier effect of economic development, the inclusion of national subjects into global production value added chains. Further implementation of the clustering process to promote the social and economic development of the country’s regions, as well as accelerate the innovative regional tourist clusters creation, is proposed.

Author Biographies

Olena Mikhailuk, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Department

Natalia Niecheva, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Department


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Productive forces development and regional economy