Migration activity of the population between Ukraine and Hungary in the context of geopolitical confrontations
population migration activity, territorial migration system, naturalization, ethnocultural factors, geopolitical speculationAbstract
The comprehensive analysis of migration activity of the population between Ukraine and Hungary, which is the basis for substantiating the priorities of its regulation in the defined territorial migration system, is carried out in the article. The study subject is theoretical and applied principles of analysis of migration activity of the population within a specific territorial migration system. The research methodology is formed by the fundamental provisions of analytical migration science with the definition of migration activity, which reflects the potential and real ability of the population to move. The article results are the deepening of the theoretical bases of the study of migration activity of the population, the method of complex migration analysis between Ukraine and Hungary with using the national and international statistical base. Complex analysis covers an identification of the features of infrastructure providing and legal environment of migration (visa regime, the operation of the agreement on the rules of local border traffic), tendencies of crossing the state border (Ukrainian and Hungarian statistics), including in the context of border crossing points, determination of educational and labor migration features, naturalization practices and residence of Ukrainian citizens on the Hungary territory. Particular attention is paid to the asymmetric questions of migration activity of the population between Ukraine and Hungary. Complex analysis is complemented by comparisons of demographic, social and economic indicators of countries. The specificity of migration activity of the population in the UkrainianHungarian migration system on the basis of the conducted analysis is generalized – the primacy of ethnocultural determinants of displacement with influences localization on the residents of Transcarpathian region; rapid growth dynamics of the migrants number from Ukraine to Hungary. The main problems of migration activity of the population between Ukraine and Hungary are updated: political and legal character – dual citizenship of a part of the population of the Transcarpathian border regions, which can serve as an occasion for geopolitical speculation; informational character – the rapid growth in the number of Ukrainian citizens, who go to Hungary for long-term residence; socio-cultural character – influence of the «Greater Hungary» ideas on a part of the Transcarpathia population, especially the border regions, which identifies itself with the Hungarians, or as a last resort with the Ruthenians and does not speak Ukrainian.
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