Regional features of human development in Ukraine
human development, economic growth, statistical analysis, human development index, regional human development index, level of education, life expectancy, GNI per capitaAbstract
The article substantiates the relevance and necessity of researching the level of human development. The regional features of human development in detached regions of Ukraine is considered and a comparison of human development level with some countries of Europe and CIS is made. The purpose of conducted research is a statistical analysis of the main indicators, which characterizing a human development in Ukraine, identifying the factors, which hold him back and determining of paths growth the level of human development in detached regions. The methodological tools of conducted research are the methods of statistical analysis; the period of the study was selected 1992–2017. The object of research is the level of regional human development in detached regions of Ukraine. The results of a statistical study of the human development index in Ukraine and European countries are presented. The influence of the individual components of the human development index on the level of human development in Ukraine is analyzed. Methods of statistical analysis of this indicator are proposed. The integral index of human development as a whole in Ukraine is calculated. The feasibility of a regional analysis of human development is substantiated and the leading regions and outsiders are identified. The factors restraining of human development in Ukraine are revealed. Ways to enhance human development both in Ukraine as a whole and in individual regions are proposed. The results of conducted research can be useful in conducting effective regional policies, which is directed at ensuring sustainable human development both at the regional level and in the country as a whole.
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