Criterial assessments of investment security of the national economy




investment, economic security, investment security, analysis, investment security indicators, structure of investments


The article summarizes the scientific interpretations of the essence and analytical support of investment security concept. It is determined that it is a component of the country national security. Trends in stimulating of investment activity growth are determined by the systematization methods based on materials from foreign experience (favorable tax regimes, tax holidays, government participation in providing innovative scientific developments, grants, subsidies, etc.). It was revealed that the limited financial resources encourages to a balanced approach in terms of financing innovative projects and requires the validity of the vector of their involvement in the territories of Ukraine. The regional structure of investments in fixed assets in Ukraine for the period 2014–2018 is analyzed for studying the processes of their concentration. The conclusion is made about the sustainability of innovation activity processes in the context of the territorial direction and, accordingly, the provision of security levers in this area. Investment activity calculations by regions of Ukraine made it possible to distinguish three regions by the value of the correlation coefficient – with the highest, medium and low levels of investment. Based on the interval distribution of the average share of investments (selected according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine), a grouping of regions by the investment activity level is carried out. This allowed us to conclude about the uneven distribution of investment resources and, simultaneously, about a high level of investments concentration in fixed assets in certain regions. It is proposed to distinguish investment security criteria by the levels of the national economy (macro indicators) and by individual segments of the economy (industry-specific indicators). This will provide an information base for analytical assessments of long-term strategies building in the field of investment activity regulation in Ukraine.

Author Biographies

Iryna Drozd, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the Continuing Education Center

Andrii Kuznik, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University

Master’s Degree Student in Educational Qualification Level «Finance and Credit», Institute of Postgraduate Education


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Finance, banking and insurance