Evaluation of the budgetary financing of the social security in Ukraine
social insurance, financial resources, budget, deficit, local budgetAbstract
One of the main functions of the state is to carry out the social policy aimed at the provision of the conditions of human vital activity, implementation of intelligent and professional potential of people. In this case a well-developed system of social security is of paramount importance. To a great extent, financing of this system is performed at the expense of public funds. The article considers specific features of government financing of population social security in Ukraine over a period 2001–2019. Analytical data of budget monitoring of the Institute of Budgetary and Socio-Economic research, statistical digests of the Ministry of Finances of Ukraine and State Statistic Service of Ukraine, analytical notes of the Institute for Demography and Social Studies named after M. V. Ptukha of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine served as the source for the research. The study used general scientific and specific methods of cognition. The research presents the analysis of the main indexes characterizing the budget financing of population social protection in the context of the budgets of Ukraine. The dynamics of changes in the financing of social expenditures form the State Budget of Ukraine and their structure were examined. Specific features of financing the system of social protection of the population from local budgets were defined. The level of self-financing of social needs was evaluated. The main problems of the functioning of population social protection system were determined taking into account the fact those financial resources in the State and local budgets are limited. The author suggested the steps as to the improvement of state funding of social measures by the following ways: to improve inter-budgetary relations due to the increase of the authority of the local communities at the calculation of the need in financial resource for the social protection of the population; to enhance targeted social assistance and to improve its efficiency; to optimize the existing system of the social benefits and payments.
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