Restructuring of the grape and wine industry enterprises: innovative approaches




restructuring, wine growing, grape and wine industry, regional-industrial cluster, innovation


The article presents the innovative approaches to the restructuring of the grape and wine industry enterprises. The purpose of research is a detailed and systematic review of current problems of restructuring of the grape and wine industry enterprises; substantiation of cluster creation as one of the promising directions of external restructuring. The subject of research is the restructuring of the grape and wine industry enterprises. The methodological basis is: researches of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of enterprises restructuring, legislative and regulatory acts of Ukraine. In researching and analyzing the problematic issues of the article, the following general scientific technique and methods of research were applied: logical – to clarify the concept of «enterprise restructuring», a comparative assessment – in the study of modern approaches to restructuring; historical – in the study of the stages of evolution of the enterprise restructuring concept; statistical analysis – in determining the problems, tendencies and prospects of the grape and wine industry enterprises development. Various approaches regarding the definition of enterprise restructuring essence, as well as the main stages of evolution of enterprise restructuring concept and their characteristics, are presented. The availability of many approaches to the restructuring definition, their generalization, allowed us to determine the main characteristics of the restructuring process in a complex and present them in the classification form. In order to increase the competitiveness performance of Odessa region wineries, for stimulating their development in the context of the European integration, as well as for the targeted use of public funds for the viticulture development, it was proposed restructuring of these enterprises by creating an integrated structure – a regional-industrial cluster (a type of external enterprise restructuring).

Author Biographies

Oleg Babyii, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Enterprise Economics and Entrepreneurship Activity Organization Department

Kateryna Tymchenko, Odessa National Economic University

Postgraduate Student of Enterprise Economics and Entrepreneurship Activity Organization Department


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Marketing, entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity