Theoretical basis of the study of energy facilities as a logistics system




energy sector, energy facilities, energy system, logistics system, flows, business process


The essence of the energy system is defined in the article and its three levels are distinguished by territorial criteria: micro- (enterprise level), meso- (administrative-territorial formations) and macro level (energy system of the country). The author’s definition of the energy system is proposed, which, unlike the existing ones, is not limited only by the level of enterprises. The technological, territorial and economic unity of the objects of the energy systems is indicated. The purpose of article is to study the main business processes that occur in the energy sector. Based on this, a conclusion is drawn about the possibility of considering the energy economy as a logistics system. To achieve this goal, the following general scientific methods were used: systematization, generalization, abstraction, analogy, analysis and synthesis. A scheme of the main business processes in the energy sector is proposed, which covers five stages. A critical analysis of approaches to the definition of the concept of «logistics system», available in the domestic and foreign scientific literature, is conducted. Based on the analysis, it is substantiated that the logistics system can be considered as a relatively stable set of links in a certain business environment, which provides integrated flow management in order to implement the «logistics mix». The emphasis is made on the fact that the use of the logistic approach in the energy sector allows to present the business processes taking place in it as a stream model. The author distinguishes the flows of energy resources, which are inherently material flows, and energy flows, which are flows of services, in energy system. It is concluded that the consideration of the energy system as a logistics system allows confirming the formation of a new direction – energy logistics.

Author Biography

Halyna Pudycheva, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Doctoral Student of Enterprise Economics and Entrepreneurship Activity Organization Department


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