Analysis and problems of development and reforming the electricity market of Ukraine


  • Alina Gavrikova National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Ukraine



electricity market, forecasting model, problems of development, market reform


The article analyzes condition and problems of the wholesale electricity market of Ukraine, the causes and factors that hinder its successful development. Studies have shown that there is a downward trend in sales of electricity, tariff increase, the lack of direct contact between producers and consumers of electricity and as a consequence – reducing service quality of energy suppliers and rising debt to suppliers and manufacturers, which indicates the inefficiency of market functioning and the need for its reform. The experience of global liberalization of electricity markets is analyzed and problems associated with a transition to the new market model are discussed. The important role of state regulation of the electricity market is emphasized, especially in the early stages of its reform.

Author Biography

Alina Gavrikova, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

Assistant of Management Department


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Economics and national economy management