Priorities of social sphere state regulation during crisis and socio-economic turmoil: the ways of adaptation


  • Oksana Lozova University Ukoopspilka «Poltava University of Economics and Trade», Ukraine



national economy, government control, social and economic crisis, social budget, social sphere


The article considers the modern condition of socio-economic development and the basic directions of state regulation of the national economy during the crisis. The public policy on the national economy of Ukraine socio-economic crisis consequences overcoming is investigated. The article summarizes the main mechanisms of socio-economic development crisis situations state regulation. The directions of social sphere state regulation in order to prevent social conflict in the future and the main activities to overcome the consequences of the financial and economic crisis in Ukraine are proposed. Moreover, the long-term socio-economic development strategy is proposed and factors and conceptual bases of the Ukrainian economy reforming are defined.

Author Biography

Oksana Lozova, University Ukoopspilka «Poltava University of Economics and Trade»

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Economic Theory and Applied Economics Department


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Economics and national economy management