The use of informative and communicative technologies at enterprises of Ukraine
information, informative society, informative economy, informatively-communication technologies, electronic trade, e-commerce, EDI, web siteAbstract
The analysis of current status of informative and communicative technologies application at enterprises of Ukraine, based on the official data of State Statistics Service of Ukraine, is conducted in the article. The study uses methods of analysis and graphic visualization (for the presentation of statistical data), methods of grouping, the index method and method for the comparative evaluation (for the analysis of indexes that characterize the use informative and communicative technologies at enterprises of Ukraine; for the Ukrainian market of electronic commerce analysis). The features of informative and communicative technologies application at enterprises by major economic activities, according to КTЕA-2010, are identified, that will optimize management of the enterprises since the use of informative and communicative technologies in the conditions of intensive development of market relations is one of the most important elements of effective management. The results obtained are aimed at a comprehensive solution to the problems in the field of e-commerce management, and will contribute to ensuring its effectiveness.
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