Enterprise economic security management in the context of globalization changes
economic security, threat, system, economic security managementAbstract
The article investigates and summarizes the essence of the notion of «enterprise economic security» (EES). The concept of enterprise economic security management at the example of motor transport enterprises (MTE) in terms of globalization changes was analyzed. It is found that in the current conditions of tough competition the dynamic introduction of new management systems which would cover all areas of the enterprise functioning and solve the problem of a high level of economic security provision is an essential basis for effective corporate governance and economic security in particular. It is determined that the company’s economic security management provides a symbiosis of two aspects such as strategic and operational. The model of MTE economic security management system illustrating the interaction between subsystems based on direct and inverse relationships, which are realized in horizontal and vertical directions within the restrictions imposed, is proposed. The necessity of further development of the theoretical aspects of economic security in the context of the implementation of the preventive measures complex to minimize the impact of threats to the effective functioning of the entity is grounded.
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