The use of rank correlation method in analysing of small business development


  • Juliya Olvinskaya Odessa National Economics University, Ukraine
  • Elena Samotoenkova Odessa National Economics University, Ukraine



small business, rank correlation method, simulation model ranking


The expediency of the use of rank correlation method in the studying of small business development is grounded in the article. The specifics of the advantages and opportunities of rank correlation method in the study of the socio-economic processes and phenomena is analyzed. The methodology for calculating the rank correlation coefficient is presented. Construction of small businesses simulation rank models is proposed. An algorithm for calculating the multiple rank correlation coefficient and simulation rank models construction is developed. A list of possible users of the proposed small business research methods is given.

Author Biographies

Juliya Olvinskaya, Odessa National Economics University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics

Elena Samotoenkova, Odessa National Economics University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics


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