Enterprise systems as a condition of modern companies’ labor productivity growth
labour productivity, organizational and managerial innovations, enterprise systemsAbstract
The article considers the dynamics of changes in average labor productivity in Ukraine and Central Asia, Southeast Europe, Russia from 2006 to 2014. Comparing with the same indicator of the United States shows a significant lag on this indicator. Studies prove the existence of a strong correlation between the quality of management and performance of the enterprise, including the level of labor productivity. The need for priority use of organizational and managerial innovations that are more efficient and effective at this stage of development of our country is proved. This is due to the fact that, because to the imperfections of governance in our country, the impact of technological innovation used is significantly reduced. It is found that domestic enterprises both in Ukraine and in the Odessa region, in particular, do not consider organizational innovations as an effective factor in the growth of their level of productivity and competitiveness. It is proposed to use enterprise systems as an option in the organizational and management innovations that can significantly improve the quality of decisions made by company management and will improve its main technical and economic indicators.
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