Institutional support for national plans of sustainable development and anticrisis management




institutional structures/mechanisms, coordination structures/mechanisms, Сentre of Government, cross-sectoral/multi-level government/coordination, complex problem, national implementation plan


The article considers the components of the institutional mechanisms (IM) for the development and implementation of national plans for sustainable development and crisis management (NP), which are due to such attributes common to both categories of plans as the complexity of the problems, the uncertainty due to changing situations and the need for better regulation tools. The main attention is paid to the problem of coherece of cross-sectoral and multilevel actions and financing, and also the role of the coordinating/regulatory body at the Center of Government (Central Coordinator, CC) in this process. As the result of research, the holistic model of institutional support of the NP was formed, and which was based on the systemic consolidation of the world scientific achievements and conclusions/recommendations of the OECD, UN and EC. The results of the analysis can be used as the scientific evidence base for the decision making by the Government on the benefits over line ministries of giving to the Centre of the Government and the СС the authority to coordinate NP’s; on the need and mechanisms for balancing by the central coordinator of the neutrality strategies, defining common rules and compulsion; regarding the representative composition and structure of the CC, regardless of the directions of the NP’s. The critical areas of NP’s that are require effective of IM’s include reducing emissions of pollutants from large combustion plants, integrated national energy and climate plan, adaptation to climate change, crisis management for pandemics, and critical infrastructure protection.However, the specifications of the IM for NP’s, that are needed the implement and financial support from various sources of the significant number of projects and the supporting activities, are required the additional researches

Author Biography

Oksana Moroz

PhD in Physics and Mathematics, senior researcher, Kyiv


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Economics and national economy management