Foresight technology using in the strategic forecasting of human potential development of the region
human potential, the human potential of the region, strategic forecasting, foresight technology, SWOT-analysis, stages of foresightAbstract
The article considers the relevance and possibilities of foresight technology using for long-term forecasting at the regional level, taking into account the influence of socio-economic factors on the formation and development of the human potential of the region. It is determined that the creation of appropriate socio-economic conditions for human potential formation is a major prerequisite for regional development. It is necessary to use foresight technology, which is interpreted as the technology of the unity of foresight, strategic management and political decisions, for forecasting the strategic directions of socio-economic policy for the human potential development of the region. The main methodological peculiarities of foresight due to its openness, active participation of all stakeholders and conducting foresight sessions, are investigated. The features of the regional foresight have been determined, which show that, if it is carried out correctly, it is possible to create and provide a system of strategic management of the region by identifying innovation zones or growth poles for each individual business unit. The ways of development and using of foresight in Ukraine are analyzed. The modern approaches to the development of regional foresight are generalized. The analysis of the possibilities of regional foresight using with a SWOT-analysis method, which is one of the most used both in foreign and domestic foresight studies. The scheme of conducting the foresight at the regional level has been developed. The purpose and objectives of the foresight at the regional level in the Odessa region are formulated. Priority directions of human potential management were determined for conducting the SWOT-analysis of the possibilities of human potential formation in the Odessa region. The SWOT-analysis of the possibilities for human potential formation and development of Odessa region is proposed and carried out.
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