Priorities of entrepreneurship development in Ukraine in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and post-quarantine period




entrepreneurship, small and medium enterprises, entrepreneurship development strategy, business environment, digital transformations of entrepreneurship, deregulation


The article considers the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, as the most important factor of medium- and long-term changes, on the development of small and medium enterprises in Ukraine. It is clarified that due to the introduction of forced measures to limit certain activities related to quarantine, an entrepreneurship sector suffers the greatest losses, which plays a crucial role in the accumulation of crisis processes in the economy, including the pre-default state of business entities. It is substantiated that the lack of adaptive state support in Ukraine can lead to a reduction of almost a third of gross value added, employment and tax revenues from this segment. Based on the systematization of risks, trends in the global business environment development and other structural changes related to quarantine restrictions, new priorities of business strategies and directions of state support for entrepreneurship sector have been determined. The object of the study is a small and medium business development in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and in the post-quarantine period. The purpose of the study is the priorities of development and support of entrepreneurship determining in Ukraine for recovery accelerating in the context of the coronary crisis. The research methodology involves the use of empirical research methods (observation, comparison and description), theoretical knowledge (formalization) and general research methods (analysis, systematic approach, statistical methods). The practical results of the study include the current priorities for support and development of entrepreneurship identification in the context of the coronary crisis. The article proposes to reduce government interference in the activities of economic entities, to ensure a systematic reduction of corruption behavior in connection with an expansion of state support at the beginning of the crisis, increase the accessibility of SMEs to financing, expand the opportunities for foreign economic activity, and accelerate digital transformations.

Author Biography

Tetiana Heiko, National Institute for Strategic Studies

PhD Student, Senior Consultant of Economic Strategy Division


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State and business entities economic security