Methodological aspects of estimating the social effect of public finance management of Ukraine
efficiency, state financing, social security, income, expenses, state budget, decentralized funds of bankrollAbstract
The author’s scientific and methodological approach to assessing the social effect of public finance management of Ukraine is tested. The object of research is economic relations associated with the formation, distribution and use of state centralized and decentralized funds of bankroll to ensure social justice and human development. The purpose of article is to assess the social effect of public finance management in Ukraine. The trends in certain areas of public life and the effectiveness of the methodical tools used by authorities were determined as a result of evaluation. During the study, the methods of statistical analysis, formalization, comparison, standardization, generalization, as well as ball, graphical, tabular, systemic and other methods are used. The list of indicators of the social effect of public financial management and their normative values is given. The dynamics of the stratification of society and the share of state funding of social institutions in GDP, taking into account transfers from the State budget of Ukraine, are visualized. Formulas for calculating synthetic indicators and social effect are developed. The trends of both individual components and integral indicator of the social effect of public finance management of Ukraine for 2009–2018 are determined. Analysis of social effect indicators that characterize the state of educational and health care institutions development, made it possible to establish the need to improve the methodological tools for public finance management. It seems that at the stage of macro-financial planning, other sources of financing for individual social institutions than the state budget may be provided. In order to improve the social effect of public finance management, it is proposed to use budget lending as a tool for the development of relevant public institutions. Proposals on the need for medical reform, which provide for health insurance implementation in Ukraine, are given. With the aim of training a competitive specialist in accordance with the country’s development priorities is proposed to carrying out an educational reform. The implementation of the proposed measures will help to increase the level of satisfaction of public interests
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