The formation of demonstrative behavior of consumers on the Ukrainian hightech goods market
conspicuous consumption, types of consumer behaviour, market of high-tech goods, motives and needs of consumersAbstract
The essence of a phenomenon of demonstrative consumption under conditions of contemporary sociocultural and economic transformations is considered in the article. It is determined that the modern consumer strives to demonstrative consumption not only with the aim of demonstrating his own well-being and prestige, it is important for him attracting the attention of others by demonstrating his own abilities, individuality, and level of professionalism. It is summarized the key functions of demonstrative behavior: a communicative function aiming at transmission of information about a product’s owner to the public; a function of socialization consisting in adaptation of an individual to socially acceptable standards of consumer behavior; a regulatory function providing regulation of the social interaction of economic behavior of a human; a function of forming a personality through actualization of a mechanism for search of an identity, self-development and self-actualization. According to the marketing research of the Ukrainian market of high-tech goods were determined and characterized types of demonstrative behavior of consumers: status, perfectionism, self-affirmation, individuality, prestige, egocentrism, following fashion, creativity and «to be not worse than others». The main groups of consumers’ motives and needs, which stimulate them to a certain type of conspicuous consumption, are identified. It is proposed to companies that sell high-tech products on the Ukrainian market, when developing a marketing communication strategy, to take into account the social orientation of the target audience, its desire to form its own image and demonstrate to others individual achievements related to personal growth and development.
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