Clustering of tourism: the experience of the European Union and tasks for Ukraine




tourism cluster, tourism policy, European Union, methods of influence on tourism activities


Theoretical foundations of the tourism clustering and the essence of «tourism cluster» concept are considered in the article. The processes of cluster policy formation of the European Union, its principles, main directions and mechanisms of implementation are highlighted on the basis of the socio-economic paradigm and an integrated methodological approach (first of all, systemic and situational, with using methods of generalization, logical and comparative analysis). Its features are revealed, due to the inherent model of the developed EU economies based on public-private partnership. The experience of implementing the cluster policy of the European Community in the field of tourism is generalized, which is of significant scientific and practical interest, taking into account the leading position of the EU in the global tourism business. The principles, forms and methods of joint activities of specialized EU institutions, state and local authorities, business and public organizations for the implementation of clustering with the aim of achieving sustainable development of competitive, affordable tourism are highlighted. The features of the clustering implementation in tourism sector in selected countries of the European Community, including the new EU members – Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovenia are considered, what is of particular interest to Ukraine. Scientific and practical recommendations for using the positive experience of the European Union countries for the development and implementation of a clustering policy in Ukraine with the aim of sustainable competitive affordable tourism developing based on the principles of social partnership are substantiated. Suggestions for further research on this topic are given.

Author Biography

Ihor Lebediev, Odessa National Economic University

Doctor of Economic, Associate professor of the Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business


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Tourism economics and hotel and restaurant business