Strategic programs of socio-economic development as the main element of effective formation of human potential




socio-economic development, human potential, human resources, formation and development of human potential, human resource management system


The author’s interpretation of the development of human potential as a driving force of personal and social progress, which is a dynamic process of changes in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of human resources, is proposed in the article. The purpose of this study is to determine a clearer relationship between the formation and development of human potential and socio-economic development with highlighting of methodological approaches to the formation of appropriate development programs. To achieve this goal, the author investigated the relationship between the concepts of «socio-economic development», «human potential» and «formation and development of human potential». The provisions on the meaningful interpretation of human resources and human potential as human abilities and capabilities, which become the basis for creating appropriate conditions in social production for dynamic human development, have been clarified. It is substantiated that in the methodological aspect, when forming programs of socio-economic development, it is advisable to distinguish between social development as a main goal of these programs, and economic development as a means of achieving this goal with the simultaneous mutual influence of these components. It is proposed to consider the systemic transformation of human resource development management as a main component of the prerequisites formation for human potential accumulation and social production development. The main components of the updated human resource development management system, namely the goals, principles and levels of development, the functions of managerial influence, have been determined. It has been substantiated that the main goal of socio-economic development programs should be the continuous development of a person as a carrier of human potential; and the use of innovation, complexity, knowledge orientation – as a principles of their construction on the basis of organizational, systemic and humanistic approaches.

Author Biography

Valeriy Nikiforenko, Odessa National Economic University

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Personnel Management and Labor Economics Department


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Demography, labor economics, social economy and politics