Modeling as a tool for strategic management of effective economic recovery of a modern enterprise
modeling, strategy, tool, project, enterprise, management, choice of a set of measures, economic recovery, economic and mathematical model, development, result, external environment, structural transformation, business processes, market, consumer of productsAbstract
The article investigates the development trends of a machine-tool enterprise by example an Open joint-stock company OFRDM, and builds a generalized economic and mathematical model for choosing a set of measures for economic recovery of an enterprise with a transition to process-oriented management of activities in order to ensure its competitiveness. The relationship of factor influence with respect to the transformation of the main business processes of the enterprise in the form of interrelated activities, which together create additional value for product consumers, have been determined. Existing approaches to understanding of an enterprise development in strategic management have been clarified. The content of the strategic management process is analyzed to ensure the achievement of its desired effective level. A model for managing dynamic capabilities is proposed, which includes the principles, skills, boundaries of dynamic capabilities in accordance with the structural transformations of the enterprise. The processes of providing services using the methodology of functional modeling by constructing an economic and mathematical model for choosing a set of measures for enterprise economic recovery are generalized. The sequence of enterprise main business processes is clearly presented, the effective implementation of which affects increasing in product value for the consumer. Recommendations for the successful implementation of an effective strategy for Open joint-stock company OFRDM, aimed at the enterprise economic recovery, based on the qualified personnel and IT-technologies using, are proposed.
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