Non-financial reporting of enterprises as an aspect of sustainable development management




non-financial reporting, sustainable development, enterprise, corporate social responsibility


The article considers the need for enterprises non-financial reports forming. The approaches of scientists to the directions of corporate social responsibility on the basis of sustainable development are revealed. It is established that the main directions of corporate social responsibility on the basis of sustainable development are: organizational management, human rights, labor practices, environment, good business practices, consumer protection, participation in community life and its development. The types of non-financial reporting are studied, namely: report on social and environmental projects, report on progress in the implementation of the principles of the UN Global Compact, report on the GRI standard, management report, integrated report. The components of non-financial reporting of enterprises in the context of corporate social responsibility on the basis of sustainable development are systematized. It is established that the non-financial reporting of the enterprise focuses on the highlighted results of corporate governance, social and environmental aspects and anti-corruption. A study of the components by types of non-financial reports found that they differ in the level of information disclosure. The advantages of compiling non-financial reporting by the enterprise are substantiated, which will provide an opportunity to improve its management, increase investor confidence in it and compare their achievements in the field of corporate social responsibility on the basis of sustainable development with other enterprises. It is proposed to expand the practice of compiling non-financial reports by enterprises, which will contribute to the formation of an effective management system to identify existing and predict potential internal and external threats to its activities, as well as to take measures to minimize the impact of these threats on the results of the enterprise activity on the basis of sustainable development.

Author Biographies

Hanna Misko, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer of Management of Organization Department

Lubov Zvarych, Odessa National Economic University

Senior Lecturer of Management of Organization Department


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Management and business administration