Comparative characteristics of analysis methods of the corporate social responsibility management




management, corporate social responsibility, analysis method


The purpose of the article is to form the theoretical foundations of the state (level) analysis of social responsibility for the enterprise management needs. The study used identification, systematization and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of existing methods, which made it possible to identify methodological recommendations for improving of social responsibility process. It was characterized the state of assessing the social responsibility of national enterprises at the level of Ukrainian rating agencies over the past five years. Leading enterprises in the field of corporate social responsibility have been identified based on the results of national ratings. The existing methods of corporate social responsibility management analysis were analyzed. Their content and methods used in them are identified. The main factors for evaluation are summarized. The expediency of assessing the effectiveness of management by external and internal vectors of social responsibility is noted. The activities aimed at introducing an effective social responsibility management system are presented. For practical usage we have proposed the list of measures that will contribute to the implementation of an effective management system of social responsibility, increase its level and develop this process. As a result of the ratings analysis at the country level, the trends of changes occurring both in the social responsibility management system and in terms of covering information on its implementation are generalized. The conducted studies allow us to conclude that today there is no universal methodology for assessing the level of social responsibility. In this regard, the management of social responsibility of the enterprise was offered to use the advantages of various methods to form its own comprehensive methodology, taking into account management needs and target audience. Therefore, the social responsibility management of the enterprise was offered to use advantages of various methods to form its own comprehensive methodology, taking into account management needs and target audience.

Author Biography

Mykola Nadeyko, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

Postgraduate Student of Economics, Security and Enterprise Innovation Activity Department


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Management and business administration