Technology of decision-making management by small enterprises to choose strategic alternatives
decision-making, small enterprises, strategic alternatives, matrix of potential business partners, Klee methodAbstract
The article considers the theoretical provisions and gives practical recommendations for strategic management decisions. The task of the research is to formalize the procedure for selecting a strategic alternative and determine a set of tools that correspond to the specifics of small business activity. The specific features of small enterprises, which are obstacles to the use of standard technologies of strategic management, are determined. The importance of choosing a strategic alternative according to the assessment of a potential partner at the stage of small enterprise growth has been proven. An expediency of formalizing decision-making to identify a potential partner using matrix methods is substantiated. To construct a matrix of potential business partners, assessment vectors were selected, the characteristics of each vector were established, and assessment scales were formed. Procedure for the formation of assessing scale the qualitative characteristics of business partners’ matrix with using the Klee method is proposed. A model of a potential business partner’s matrix is developed and description of its four fields is provided. The fields of matrix are highlighted on the basis of the development prospects of business partner and its reliability. The formalization of the strategic alternative solution for the choice of the business partner is proposed as a procedure of four consecutive stages. Formalization of the strategic alternative solution allows a small enterprise to choose a reliability business partner.
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