Structural analysis of market logistics as an information prerequisite for its regulation




logistics, market logistics structure, structural analysis, elements of the logistics system; parameters, objective function, attributive concept, utility theory


The article presents studies of the logistics structure of commodity market, based on the provisions of the general parametric theory of systems (GPTS). The logistics analysis of commodity movement on the market is presented and typical scheme of goods movement on a logistic chain is offered. Considering market logistics as an organizational system, the article presents its parametric model in the form of a matrix, the elements of which are logistic entities with their connections. It is proved, that the main basic element of the matrix structure of logistics system of commodity movement is a business entity that participates in the production and promotion of goods on the market. The types of business entities, which operating in the logistics system of the commodity market, are systematized. It is determined that business entities, which are distributed in logistics chains and their links, perform certain logistics functions due to their properties. It has been proved that business entities, which can be included as elements of the matrix market structure, should have the functions of performing logistics services. The content of these services is revealed and analyzed. The use of the corresponding target function in calculating the optimal logistics chains of commodity movement in the market is substantiated. The application of this approach, based on the multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) is shown. It is determined that the goal of the proposed target function, by which the value added chain is calculated, is its maximization in the supply chain. Calculations for the target function allow you to determine the optimal route of commodity movement in the market and the relevant logistics entities through which this route passes. Thus, it is proposed to organize (highlight) the most profitable logistics chains of the market, which will significantly reduce the logistics costs of commodity movement, as well as reduce the risks of logistics barriers.

Author Biographies

Vladimir Lysyuk, Institute of Market Problems and Economic & Ecological Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Economics, Рrofessor, Сhief Research Fellow

Victor Diordiev, Institute of Market Problems and Economic & Ecological Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Applicant for the Department of Market Mechanisms and Structures


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Marketing, entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity