Prospects for development of inbound tourism in Ukraine with using of digital marketing tools
tourism industry, accessible tourism, digital marketing, barrier-free tourism, innovative technologies, digitalization of the economy, marketing strategiesAbstract
The article considers the issues of theory and practice of digital marketing to solve the problems of the tourism business. It is shown that the use of online marketing tools is a necessary condition for the successful development of tourism enterprises. The current state, problems and prospects of development of tourist services market of Ukraine are analyzed. It was found that the priority directions are the development of both inbound and domestic tourism, which are important factors in improving of life quality in Ukraine, creating additional jobs, replenishing the foreign exchange reserves of the state and improving the brand image of Ukraine in the international arena. It has been determined that the strategy of inbound tourism development should provide for the use of a structural and functional method that allows combining various components of the tourism industry and its infrastructure. The main problems that hinder the development of the tourism industry in the country and require further solutions are considered. It is proved that it is possible to stimulate the development of inbound tourism possibly by improving the information and technical infrastructure, improving the service quality, and development of international tourist routes. According to the results of the study, it is proposed ways to increase the subscriber base, create valuable and relevant content for customers, personalize communication with customers and automate this process, as well as formulate recommendations for turning a new customer into a loyal one. It is proved that there are all prerequisites for the tourism sphere development in Ukraine, since Ukraine has significant recreational potential: favorable geographical location, favorable climatic conditions, varied relief, an extensive transport network and preserved monuments of cultural heritage.
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