


innovation, national economy, model, innovative development, management, intellectual capital, diffusion of innovations


The theoretical basis of innovative development is analyzed in the article. Global trends that motivate countries to use models of innovative development are determined. Requirements to the model of innovative development are formulated: flexibility (possibility of adaptation to concrete management systems); scientific (use of modern achievements of management science and involvement of external consultants), adequacy (response to changes in the external environment); creativity (focus on the creative potential of managers); rationality (optimization of organizational relations); reliability (proper information support); efficiency (cost savings); multivariate (availability of alternative management decisions in each situation). The models of innovative development, which are effectively used abroad, are analyzed, in particular: orientation towards leadership in science and implementation of large-scale projects; focus on creating a favorable innovation environment and rationalizing the structure of the economy; focus on creating an innovative infrastructure and societys acceptance of the role of scientific and technological innovations. It is proved that the classical format of «Asian» model is inappropriate for Ukraine, but it is possible to form its domestic modification with the active participation of universities. A model for managing innovative development consisting of two subsystems is proposed: managing and managed. It is substantiated that the control subsystem in this model is the state and regional government, and the managed subsystem is, first of all, a set of business entities and their associations within which the managerial influence on goods and services, personnel, finance, technology, marketing, etc. It is specified that the model of innovative development of the national economy constantly provides new opportunities for the management system and creates an intellectual foundation for the effective implementation of innovations.

Author Biography

Stanislav HORBACHENKO, Odessa National Economic University

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Law and Business Management


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Economics and national economy management