


structural policy, restructuring, structural policy goals, structural imbalances, targeted development programs


The article defines the principles of structural regulation of the national economy in the near future in the form of restructuring. The tasks of structural policy actors at the micro-, macro- and meso- levels are considered. According to the results of structural and temporal analysis conducted in the previous works of the author, four target areas are identified: general indicators, sectoral development and development of productive forces, export-import of goods and services, wages and international labor migration. The formed goals are generalized in the form of three dominants of development: focus on economic growth, stabilization of structural, spatial and temporal development, equalization of levels of development. It was noted that in the short term and medium term, Ukraine should benefit from its competitive advantages and, above all, develop industries in which it already has some achievements and can successfully compete in the domestic and global markets. These are primarily agriculture and the processing industry, light and furniture industries, information technology and the production and sale of weapons. It is proposed to develop and implement targeted comprehensive programs, similar to those implemented for regional structural development of the community in European Union (EU) member states: national programs, namely, «Intellectual Development», «Infrastructure and Environment», support of regions, «Development of knowledge education»; a number of regional programs ‒ support for research, entrepreneurship, activities related to road and railway infrastructure, municipal government, revitalization, health care infrastructure and social services, etc. To implement programs and goals, it is proposed to use the tools of «soft» and «hard» influence.

Author Biography

Oksana PELEKH, Rivne State Humanitarian University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Management Department


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Economics and national economy management