circular economy, ecological and economic analysis, ecological and economic management, resource efficiency, environmental friendlinessAbstract
The article considers the essence of the circular economy, its distinctive features and characteristics, as well as the relationship with environmental processes. The aim of the study is to highlight approaches to understanding the circular economy and environmental and economic management of an enterprise, assessing the natural intensity and environmental sustainability of business entities. As a result of the study, the methodology one of the tools for assessing the environmental sustainability of enterprises was considered, aimed at studying the complex of relationships in the «production – surrounding natural environment» system. The importance of environmental and economic analysis in the context of sustainable development of enterprises with a circular economy has been proved. The possibilities of regulating an enterprise activities, searching for the most economically profitable way of conducting environmental and economic management, which is characterized by minimizing social and environmental costs, are revealed. To study the potential and identify opportunities for modernization of the enterprise, it is proposed to use environmental and economic analysis, which is aimed at studying the complex of relationships in the «production – surrounding natural environment» system. As a result of studying the stages of the enterprise’s activities environmental and economic analysis, it was determined that the system should be considered according to 6 groups of special indicators, given in the article, and additional indicators of the environmental friendliness of production, technological processes of economic entities (coefficients of closure, turnover of natural resources and their purity, category (degree) of production hazard and environmental criterion). It is proved that the assessment of the proposed indicators allows a comprehensive and more complete assessment of the nature management level and environmental friendliness of the enterprise.
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