


microeconomic system, balanced development, digital transformation, globalization, patterns, factors, essence, distinctive features, functions


The article determines the essence, distinctive features and functions of the balanced development of microeconomic systems under the influence of globalization phenomena and digital transformations. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was formed by the evolutionary-cyclical theory and the theory of dynamic equilibrium, the main approaches to balanced (sustainable) development. In the course of the study, methods of dialectical cognition, generalization and scientific abstraction were used, the use of which made it possible to form the theoretical foundations of the balanced development of microeconomic systems, taking into account globalization, informatization and digital transformations. The factors of positive and negative influence of globalization processes on the microeconomic systems activity have been established. A coherent relationship between the modern patterns of microeconomic systems development and infocommunication technologies and services they use, was revealed, taking into account the created synergistic effect, which makes it possible to determine the influence of infocommunication technologies on the digital literacy of society and the development of digital economy by taking into account their availability and intensity of use. It is noted that the balanced development of microeconomic systems is a dynamic category aimed at optimizing the process of achieving balanced economic, social and environmental development through the implementation of the dynamic relationship of new functions and qualitative characteristics of systems. It has been determined that the balanced development of microeconomic systems is characterized by excellent features, in particular: economic, ecological, energy and social. The aggregate of microeconomic systems functions, implemented by them in the context of sustainable development and necessary for solving external and internal problems of ensuring high-quality and stable development in the long term, maintaining a dynamic balance and relying on their own capabilities, is characterized. Based on the generalization of existing theoretical approaches and basic provisions of the sustainable development concept at different levels of the hierarchy, taking into account globalization, informatization and digital transformations, a theoretical basis for the sustainable development of microeconomic systems was further developed, based on the establishment of the characteristic distinctive features of the balanced development of enterprises, the activities of which are investigated from the standpoint of their implementation of the totality economic, social and environmental functions.

Author Biography

Maryna DEMIANCHUK, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of Finance, Banking and Insurance Department, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University; Senior Researcher, Institute of Market Problems and Economic-Ecological Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


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State and business entities economic security