


additional salary, material incentives, staff motivation, wages, labor contribution indicators, material responsibility, enterprise development management


The article is devoted to the study of organizational and economic support of the motivational component of the divisions of the industrial enterprise in the context of strategic management of its sustainable development. Theoretical and methodological aspects of formation of the effective mechanism of material encouragement in the system of management of structural divisions of the industrial enterprise are investigated. The systems of material incentives in the organization are considered and analyzed. The shortcomings of the current system of material incentives for employees of industrial enterprises are formulated. Theoretical bases for construction of effective system of motivation of the personnel taking into account the real contribution of each production division and each separate employee of the enterprise in final results of activity of the organization are offered. The general scheme of distribution of the fund of additional salary at the industrial enterprise is reflected in the form of algorithm. The approach to distinguishing the criteria for determining the coefficient of labor contribution and the coefficient of labor participation is systematized. The optimal structure and approaches to the quantitative assessment of indicators that characterize the motivational efforts of employees and departments of the enterprise are formed. The main types and limits of material responsibility are considered and the basic conditions of involvement of employees in material responsibility are generalized. The significance of the system of internal material responsibility at the enterprise in the context of the motivational component is substantiated. The requirements to the elements of the motivational subsystem of the production enterprise in the aspect of strategic management of sustainable development are generalized. The recommendations and prospects of further research in the approaches to the construction of the motivational component of enterprise management as a basis for increasing the labor activity of employees for strategic management of sustainable development of the organization are formulated.

Author Biography

Lilia SVOROBOVICH, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer of Organizational Management Department


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Management and business administration