energy logistics, energy supply chain, logistics decision, planning the need for energy, choice of energy supplier, outsourcingAbstract
The article identifies the main logistics decisions that are to be made at the enterprise level to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of their energy system. The purpose of the article is to determine the main logistics decisions, which have to be made by enterprises in order to improve the efficiency of the functioning of energy supply chains. To achieve this goal, the following general scientific methods are used: analysis, synthesis, systematization, theoretical generalization, abstraction and analogy. The article considers such logistics solutions in the energy supply of enterprises as: planning the amount for energy services need, the choice of the energy consumption alternative, the alternative «make or buy», and the choice of supplier. The characteristics of each of these logistic solutions are given and alternatives for their adoption are considered. The factors that should be taken into account when planning the needs of enterprises in energy services are summarized. It is determined what initial data should be considered at planning of the need, and also methods which can be applied. Four variants of consumption of energy services with centralized energy supply are identified. It is proved that the priority type of energy for consumers is electricity. It is proved that the priority type for consumers is electric energy, the factors influencing the choice of the energy supply option are determined. The managerial alternative «make or buy» in the energy supply of enterprises is characterized. The advantages and disadvantages of own productions of energy services are determined. A sequence of ten stages in choosing the option of own production of energy services is developed by the author. The factors influencing the choice of energy service provider for enterprises are summarized. The scheme for selecting process an energy service provider is proposed, which includes nine stages and allows managers to make an optimal logistic decision
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