Problems of youth in the labor market in modern conditions




youth, employment, labor market, sphere of labor and employment, labor potential, economy


The article investigates a modern state of youth employment in the labor market. The purpose of the article is to consider of youth segment in the labor market, to study the dynamics of youth employment in recent years and to develop proposals for improving the state of youth employment in Ukraine. Current trends in youth employment and unemployment in the labor market are analyzed. In the process of analysis, such methods of scientific research as analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization were used, which made it possible to ensure the validity of the study. Based on the results of youth employment issues analysis, the main problems faced by young people in finding a job (specific problems in the youth segment of the labor market) are determined, namely: imperfection of the legal framework that regulates labor relations; young people after graduation cannot put their skills and abilities into practice; imbalance in the professional and qualification structure of the labor supply, which does not correspond to the demand in the labor market; lack of professional experience among young people; gender inequality by sex and age; labor migration due to the non-competitiveness of wages in Ukraine compared to wages in Europe. For a systematic solution to the problems of youth labor market, it is necessary to improve the existing mechanism for increasing the level of youth employment, thereby a new impetus will appear for the development of the Ukrainian economy. The main directions of improving the state regulation of the youth segment of the labor market in Ukraine are proposed, namely: the creation of effective interaction between public employment agencies, business and education. An improvement and systemic implementation of the mechanism for increasing youth employment will reduce the outflow of labor force abroad and ensure the competitiveness of the national economy in the long term.

Author Biographies

Tetyana Zbrytska, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Personnel Management and Labor Economics Department

Vladislav Minin, Odessa National Economic University

Postgraduate Student of Personnel Management and Labor Economics Department


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Demography, labor economics, social economy and politics