Influence of sectoral trends in business process management in e-commerce




business processes, business process management, e-commerce, enterprises, information technologies, online trade, sector trends


The article considers the specifics of e-commerce sphere development and determines the main directions of industry trends influence on the business process management. The need to develop on the basis of analytical data of scientific and practical tools and recommendations that define and characterize the relationship between industry trends and the trajectory of e-commerce enterprises development is actualized. The context and conditions of modern e-commerce enterprises activity are described, including the issues of development of this sphere under the influence of restrictive measures related to the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19. The need for the effective response of the e-commerce enterprise to certain tendencies is actualized, the necessity of adaptation of management of this enterprise to change of managing conditions, technological and institutional transformations is noted. Problems have been identified and scientific and practical solutions have been formed, focused on improving of e-commerce enterprises efficiency under the influence of environmental factors. The most influential factors that characterize the practice of economic entities functioning in the field of e-commerce at the current stage at the global level are determined. The leading industry trends and conditions of activity in the field of e-commerce are studied and the impact of these trends on the enterprises management in the field of e-commerce is characterized. The strategic guidelines are defined and substantiated, the basic preconditions are outlined and scientific and practical recommendations are given to increase the efficiency of e-commerce enterprises management in modern business conditions in the context of the impact of intra-industry trends. The preconditions for the transformation of business process management practices in e-commerce under the influence of these trends are analyzed

Author Biography

Dmytro Skliar, Odessa National Economic University

Postgraduate Student of Economics, Law and Business Management Department


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Marketing, entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity