grain production management, grain processing, export of grain products, value added, profitability, labor remuneration, profitAbstract
The article analyzes the current state of production of grain and the main products of its processing. It is determined that the production of grain in Ukraine for the period 2000–2020 years has grown in 2.7 times, significantly increased the volume of grain processing for non-food purposes – in 10.4 times. Indicator of profitability of grain production tends to decline, despite the fact that the average selling price has increased by 10.8 times. The main factors influencing the value of production costs and the level of profitability of grain products were determined. The subject of the research is theoretical-methodological and organizational-economic bases of management of production and sale of grain as well as grain products and creation of value added. The purpose of the article is to analyze the market of grain products, study the factors affecting the profitability of their production, and develop practical recommendations for improving the management of production and marketing of grain and its products in the context of maximizing the value added. The main methods of research – comparison, generalization, analysis and synthesis, abstract-logical. It is established that the gross value added in the sectors of production and processing of grain includes the following main elements: wages with accruals, rent (rent), depreciation charges, interest on capital and profit. The volume and structure of grain products exported as raw materials, as well as products with high value added, are also considered. The main factors influencing the profitability of grain production and processing were investigated. It was proved that the most part of value added is created in the branches processing grain and producing ready products. The necessity to increase the production of grain products with high value added was noted. It is indicated that horizontal and vertical integration between grain producers and processing enterprises is important for obtaining maximum profits from the sale of grain and its processed products. Significant role in formation of added value is played by state regulation of this process. To increase the amount of value added, special attention should also be paid to expanding the range of finished grain products and supply more processed products and finished grain products for export. A general scheme of value added management in the production and also grain processing and the added value formation in the export of these products is proposed. Forecast indicators of grain production and some products of its processing are substantiated.
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