


neo-economics, creative economy, human potential, creative components of human potential, creative industries


The aim of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of creative economy concept formation, to determine approaches to the study of creative economy as a systemic phenomenon and its significance for economic development. To achieve these goals, the following general scientific methods were used: analysis, synthesis, systematization, theoretical generalization, abstraction and analogy. Different approaches to the study of creative economy as a systemic phenomenon (new concept, system of specific socio-economic relations, part of the world economy or a specific industry, driver of economic growth, human-oriented approach) are analyzed. The creative economy is considered in the context of ensuring possibilities its development by the carriers of human potential, on which its formats, efficiency, rates of formation and scaling directly depend. The attention is focused on the place of human potential in the system of creative economy formation. Creative components of human potential (knowledge, experience, innovation) are determined. The author’s definition of the «creative economy» concept is formulated on the basis of the creative component of human potential usіng and the results of creative activity (new technologies, innovations, information, knowledge). Modern approaches to the definition of creative industries and their composition (a set of certain types of economic activity, a set of certain professions, a creative city, part of the economic system) are considered. It is determined that the attribution of different industries to creative industries in different countries and international organizations creates obstacles to the development and formation of a single mechanism for using creative industries as a tool of state and regional economic growth, therefore, it is important to develop a unified methodological approach to their distribution according to the share of the creative component. The practical significance lies in the fact that the main features for determining the creative component in different types of economic activity are formulated.

Author Biography

Marina Kryvtsova, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Human Resources and Labor Economics


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Demography, labor economics, social economy and politics