


mathematical modeling, algorithmization, optimization methods, transport systems, passenger transportation


The article emphasizes that the improvement of management, finding and using of new methods of work optimization on the routes of urban passenger transport are the main tasks of organizing route transportation in the considered transport systems. The search for these methods is aimed at the rational use of resources, vehicles, to meet the needs of the population in travel and improve the quality of service in the implementation of passenger traffic. To ensure optimal management of work on the route of urban passenger transport, we will take as a goal the construction of a timetable for the movement of vehicles on the route, namely the creation of schedules for the release of transport and rational organization of work. The creation of these schedules takes into account the effective using use of the car fleet of enterprises, ensuring the safety of passenger transportation, and reducing the cost of services for the population. In this article, the study of passenger traffic on a certain section of the transport network and the operation of the route on it are considered using fuzzy logical methods, which gives the result of the consideration of service time minimization and maximum level of passenger satisfaction with the use of transport. In this case, the mechanism of working with inaccurate concepts in the process of finding a solution is implementing, we can imagine the input data as fuzzy sets on which logical actions are carried out. In this study, the numerical expression of the degree of satisfaction of passenger’s needs is chosen by the function of belonging to several time intervals, which is selected by the target function of finding the optimal schedule in these time intervals. The search for a solution takes into account the system of restrictions that apply to the time intervals of vehicles using. At the same time, the criterion of optimality reflects the cost of the schedule working, which includes the cost of operating time of vehicles and the cost of waiting time for passengers when traveling along the route.

Author Biographies

Larisa Kozachok, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Senior Lecturer, Department of Informatics and Apply Mathematics

Alina Kozachok, Kharkiv Internet Marketing Agency

Project Manager


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Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics