


treasury, treasury service, budget revenues, budget expenditures, balanced development, financial policies


The article investigates the main problems of the treasury system of the execution of state and local budgets. The subject of the study is the treasury service of state and local budgets in the context of ensuring a balanced financial policy. The goal is to study how much the treasury service of budgets in Ukraine has changed over the past years. It is also worth to offer possible ways to improve the treasury service of budgets of different levels in the context of providing balanced financial policies. The study methodology involves the use of the following methods of empirical research methods (observation, comparison), methods of theoretical research (climbing from abstract to concrete), general methods used both on empirical and theoretical level of research (abstraction and concretization, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy) and others. The systematization of literary sources and approaches to the treasury form of service of the budgets of Ukraine in the context of ensuring a balanced financial policy showed that most domestic scientists who dealt with this issue were considered separate areas of service of budgets. The relevance of solving this scientific problem is that the treasury form of service of the budgets of Ukraine is mainly considered technically, which in many cases does not allow it to apply it in the context of providing balanced financial policies as an effective tool for implementing the state policy. The results of the study are: the theoretical approach to the issues of treasury maintenance of budgets of different levels is considered; the interaction of the bodies of the State Treasury of Ukraine with budget funds and in the context of decentralization of power is investigated; the implementation of revenues and social expenditures of the State Budget of Ukraine is analyzed. The originality of the study, and this is its practical value, it has been proposed to improve the control over the expenditure of budget funds and the modernization of the qualitative level of service by the state treasury authorities. Research conclusions are as follows: empirically confirmed and theoretically proved that the existing prospects for improving the treasury form of service of the budgets of Ukraine in the context of ensuring a balanced financial policy. The results of the study may be useful for financiers-practitioners, representatives of academic circles, students, all who are interested in treasury budget service.

Author Biography

Vadym Polishchuk, Lutsk National Technical University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Finance, Banking and Insurance Department


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Finance, banking and insurance