


cluster, clustering, housing and construction cluster, innovation development, cluster coordination council, cluster members


The article considers the issue of creating a regional housing and construction cluster in order to find effective approaches to increasing of enterprises competitiveness in this industry and implementation of relevant innovation priorities that will increase domestic and international competitiveness of its members through commercial and non-commercial cooperation, scientific research and innovation, education, training and political support activities. Using the cluster analysis method, studies of the interdependence between the volume of completed construction work and capital investments were carried out. The Regional target program for supporting individual housing construction «Own House» for 2019–2020 was analyzed in order to identify sources of support for local authorities to create a regional housing and construction cluster. In accordance with the conditions of the cluster policy implementation, five fundamental characteristics are proposed, namely: the presence of competitive enterprises; availability of competitive advantages in the region for cluster development; growth of economic indicators of the industry; a wide range of participants; the presence of links between all participants in the clusters, which made it possible to propose calculating the economic efficiency of clusters. To support and develop modern integration systems and their integral part of cluster structures and systems of inter-cluster interaction of business networks, we propose to create a commission at the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to develop integration socio-economic structures (industrial, science and technology and business parks, free economic zones and special zones of economic and technological development, high-test parks), which should ensure the development of the necessary legislation and provide new structures with the necessary rights and benefits for development.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Tereshchenko, Sumy National Agrarian University

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of Economics and Entrepreneurship Department named after prof. I. N. Bryukhovetsky

Anastasia Avramenko, Sumy National Agrarian University

Bachelor in specialty 076 «Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity»


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Marketing, entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity