


business analytics, decision-making, restaurant business, hospitality, service sector, digital transformation


The article considers the concept of «business analytics» in the context of modern tools of the decision-making system of food services, noting the importance of such at the present stage of development of the restaurant industry in the general context of changes in the technological infrastructure of restaurants and catering, and during the coronavirus crisis; have been identified areas of application of business intelligence in improving the efficiency of business processes, strategic management of the restaurant industry and ensuring sustainable competitive advantage in the era of digital transformation. The subject of research economic and managerial relations that arise in the restaurant industry in the process of implementing business intelligence solutions. The methodology was based on general scientific and special research methods. The importance of business intelligence has been a solution in providing business opportunities in terms of real-time information («real-time information flows») in accordance with modern socio-economic challenges and the permanent complexity of the technological infrastructure of restaurants and the Internet space. It was found that better awareness of consumer and customer inquiries, desires and preferences, as well as knowledge of the potential of partners and contractors, can improve corporate business processes by implementing the latest design and services using the capabilities of business intelligence. Analyzed and determined that strategic solutions developed using business analytics and data analysis transform the restaurant industry, providing managers with valuable solutions to optimize customer service, measures to increase customer engagement and improve menu performance. The business intelligence in the modern restaurant business has been determined the key given the high competition in this area, rapid changes in consumer behavior and customer expectations from restaurants. Further developments on this topical issue will be implemented, in particular, primarily in the preparation of new concepts of restaurants and reformatting the business processes in the recovery of the restaurant industry after the coronavirus crisis.

Author Biography

Oksana Yavorska, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business


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Tourism economics and hotel and restaurant business