Social and psychological adaptation as a factor of psychological well-being of internally displaced persons.




socio-psychological adaptation, psychological well-being, internally displaced person (IDP)


The article examines the issue of social and psychological adaptation as a factor of psychological well-being of internally displaced persons - people who were forced to leave their homes to escape war, persecution or other threats and moved to other regions of the country without crossing its borders.

The author examines the essence of different types of IDP adaptation: social - inclusion in the social life of the host community, cultural - acceptance of local traditions, cultural and linguistic features, psychological - a person's ability to undergo internal changes, acceptance of new realities of life, definition of new life goals, etc.



The author analyzes five stages of adaptation of IDPs, starting with the feeling of joy from being safe, through the awareness of being a stranger and depression to more positive thinking

and the final stage - adaptation. It is noted that important factors that influence the peculiarities of passing these stages are the age of a person, his or her motivation, character traits, and social support. It is determined that the coping strategies to which a person is most prone in conditions of forced displacement are problem solving, avoidance, and reliance on society.

The conclusion is made about the importance of socio-psychological adaptation of IDPs as a factor of their psychological well-being. The main indicators of the socio-psychological adaptation of IDPs are determined: the transition from the mode of self-survival to active work, self-realization, restoration of the ability to set goals. It is noted that the signs of adaptation of IDPs in society are the restoration of the ability to develop, the formation of new goals for life, a sense of control over the situation, a sense of support. These factors are the basis for the psychological well-being of IDPs.

Author Biography


assistant of the Department of Sociology and Social Work

