Social support for children with disabilities in secondary education institutions in Ukraine




children with special educational needs, social support, inclusive education, financial assistance, medical services


The article analyzes the system of social support for children with special educational needs (SEN) in Ukraine, which is an important component of the state's social policy. It is noted that children with SEN often face numerous barriers to access to education, medical services and social benefits, which necessitates the creation of an effective support system. The author analyzes the regulatory framework for organizing a system of social support for children with SEN and the introduction of inclusive education in Ukraine.

It is demonstrated that despite certain difficulties, Ukraine has created a legal framework that enshrines the right of such children to equal access to education. In secondary education institutions, this is ensured through the introduction of individual development programs, the involvement of specialized teaching staff and the adaptation of the material and technical base.

The importance of ensuring access to education for children with SEN is emphasized, in particular through inclusive programs, adaptation of curricula and training of teaching staff. Special attention is paid to psychological support.

It is noted that social workers/social educators in schools perform various complementary functions aimed at ensuring the comprehensive development, psychological comfort and socialization of children with SEN. Their activities cover such key areas as social and psychological support, parental support, formation of an inclusive culture in the educational environment and cooperation with social partners. Each of the areas involves specific forms and methods of work, such as individual and group sessions, organization of trainings, consultations, information meetings, and attraction of resources from foundations and charitable organizations.

Creating an inclusive environment in schools requires coordinated work of the teaching staff, effective use of legislative opportunities and attraction of additional resources. This allows achieving the main goal of integrating children with SEN into the general education process, ensuring their development, successful learning and social adaptation, which ultimately contributes to building a tolerant society.

The role of the state and local authorities in providing social support for children with SEN, as well as the active participation of public organizations that promote the integration of such children into society are considered. Significant challenges in the realization of the rights of children with disabilities, such as insufficient funding, lack of information and limited availability of resources, are identified.

It has been proven that the formation of an educational environment that ensures the full integration of children with SEN plays a crucial role in the social support of this category of clients. To this end, it is necessary: to conduct educational campaigns aimed at raising public awareness of the rights of children with SEN, their needs and opportunities; to help reduce the stigma and discrimination faced by these children, as well as to promote a positive attitude towards inclusion; to involve parents and families in decision-making at all levels can significantly increase the effectiveness of social support, as they know the needs of their children best. It is noted that only joint efforts of the state, society and parents can provide children with SEN with quality support that meets their needs.

Author Biographies


Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Social Work of the Pryazovsky State Technical University Dnipro


candidate of the second (master's) level of higher education, "Priazov State Technical University" Dnipro

