Competitive policy of the state as a key factor of its legal organizational-economic influence




competitive policy of the state, means and mechansms of realization of competitive policy, fuctions of competitive policy of the state


The article is devoted to the “competitive policy of the state” and legal means and forms of its realization. There were analyzed articles and dissertation studies of scientists-economists and lawyers as to the competitive policy of the state and noted a necessity to revise the legislative support of questions of competitive policy realization.

The main aim and direction of the competitive policy of the state is realization and optimal coordination of interests of economy and consumers, based on combining private and public interests due to methods of stimulating competition. The no less important aim is the growth of the effective socially-oriented economy of the market type, based on overcoming monopolism and oligarchism.

On the occasion the author notes a necessity to revise the existent legislation and introduce effective norms, which first-turn aims will be elaboration of both program documents and development strategy at the market. The important moment is overcoming monopolized and oligopolistic markets in many fields, provision of equal possibilities of entrance to the market for all economic subjects and elimination of barriers, including administrative ones.

The competitive policy of the state has the instrumental character and its efficiency proportionally depends on realized functions, directed on attaining practical results – maintaining competitive conditions of economic activity, in certain branches of economy, prevention of anti-competitive actions and so on. Mechanisms of the competitive policy of the state are realized by legal means through the activity of antimonopoly bodies, which main task is prevention and stop of violations of antimonopoly regulation, stimulation of competition and protection of economic competition from different kinds of dishonest methods of competitive fight. This all can be realized only by applying effective methods, amenability for these violations from antimonopoly organs together with introducing stimulating methods of competition development. The special attention is needed also by the revision of the system of sanctions and mechanism of applying amenability for competitive offences. The method of determining fines is not always adequate, comparing with the harm, caused by offences. The first-turn task in this sense is also the compositional analysis of offences and introduction of procedural norms of the competitive legislation

Author Biography

Tetiana Shvydka, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University Pushkinska str., 77, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61024

PhD, Assistant

Department of Economic Law


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How to Cite

Shvydka, T. (2018). Competitive policy of the state as a key factor of its legal organizational-economic influence. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (2 (4), 26–30.



Juridical Science