Development of the national legal system in the context of sivil society
legal system, assignment of the legal system, functions of the legal system, human rightsAbstract
The article is devoted to the present stage of evolution of the national legal system in the context of its ability to perform certain tasks, to recreate the functions necessary in the given spatial-temporal dimensions, to ensure the necessary requirements of effective legal regulation. It is clear that a democratic legal system must effectively protect human rights and freedoms, reproduce and implement the rule of law, and ensure the "quality" of the law in national law. The legal system must implement the provision that a person has the highest social value. The quality of the European legal system is to protect universal values and cultural heritage. In particular, it should be remarkable that under the conditions of a democratic rule of law, the "person-state" relations would undergo significant changes. These relations are not intended to provide for one part of society a greater degree of freedom than for another; in this case, it is necessary to speak about state power, which ensures conditions of freedom for all members of society, all citizens of the state. Freedom is provide to the people only when the people really organize, without any interference, unions, assemblies, legislates; elect at their own will all officials of the state, who are entrust with the implementation of laws and democratic governance based on these laws. Moreover, the sovereignty of the people is form in a democratic legal system, which, in turn, normalizes the functioning of state bodies that ensure the rights and freedoms of people, in particular, their European vector of development. Additionally, today the task of optimizing the legal system, and therefore - adjusting its functions, are of great importance. In particular: the main task of the legal system is to create a well-defined, normative, stable basis for the whole complex of social relations, including for their dynamics.
In a democratic, social, legal state, which defined European choice, the sphere of legal regulation is realize, the totality of social relations, which can and must be arrange with the help of law and legal means. The main direction of legal regulation in these conditions is:
a) Consolidation and protection of new social relations;
b) Provision of favorable conditions and means of existence of individuals;
c) Realization and legal protection of vital needs, interests of people and society;
d) The prohibition of certain social relations and behavior (the establishment of commercial banks by officials, law enforcement officers by their relatives (activating NABU's activity, NACC, creating the Supreme Anti-corruption Court),
e) Stimulating the development of appropriate social relations, etc.
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