Generaltheoretical research of combined legal subjectity


  • Volodymyr Sichevliuk Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Trokhsviatytelska str., 4, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601, Ukraine



category «legal subjectity», legal capacity, delictual capacity, active capacity, notion «combined legal subjectity», types of combined legal subjectity


Combined legal subjectity is the genus of legal subjectity which subjects of law acquire as a result of legitimate filling of gaps in the structure and/or content of their legal subjectity by the relevant parts of the legal subjectity of other persons. According to the author, there are three groups of cases in which the subject of law is forced to attract an external legal-subjectity resource in order to supplement the potential of its own legal subjectity.

The first group should include situations of complete absence or limited presence in the legal subjectity of a social actor of one or more of its structural elements, which are legal capacity, delictual capacity and active capacity. This kind of «combined legal subjectity» is referred to by the author as «structurally-directed» and the model for its shaping is defined as «substitution».Example: involving in the legal subjectity of minor children the active capacity and delictual capacity of their parents.

The second group consists of cases, where the subject of law is fully capable, but for the realization of private interests of the subject and/or fulfillment of certain social functions it`s required the external addition to its subjectity resource. Such legal subjectity arises due to the combination of fragments of legal subjectity of several persons with non-identical legal status and occurs according to the model of «supplement». The author calls this kind as «functionally-directed». Example: using by buyers and sellers of securities of a legal subjectity of licensed securities traders.

The third group consists of cases, when subjects of law attract an external legal subjectity resource in order to overcome mainly geographical, temporary and other actual barriers that make it difficult for them to independently implement their own legal subjectity. The model for shaping of this kind of «combined legal subjectity» is the «combining» and, properly speaking, it can be conventionally referred to as «practically-directed». Example: execution of mandates of foreign courts by Ukrainian courts as well as execution of mandates of Ukrainian courts by foreign courts

Author Biography

Volodymyr Sichevliuk, Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Trokhsviatytelska str., 4, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Theory of State and Law


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How to Cite

Sichevliuk, V. (2019). Generaltheoretical research of combined legal subjectity. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (2 (8), 14–20.



Juridical Science