Features of communication of the victim in criminal proceedings in the form of private prosecution





criminal proceedings, criminal procedural communication, victim, private prosecution, refusal of the victim to prosecute


The article is devoted to the study of certain aspects of communication of the victim in criminal proceedings in the form of private prosecution. It is noted, that the procedure of criminal proceedings in the form of private prosecution is almost not regulated by Chapter 36 of the CPC, as the norms that should regulate it are either absent or contained throughout the CPC. Therefore, the development of proper legal regulation of private prosecution as a separate proceeding is a topical industry issue.

This, in turn, requires a significant revision of the basic foundations of normative regulation of the victim in criminal proceedings in general, including the rights of the victim, his/her procedural status at all stages of criminal proceedings, the starting mechanism to ensure the legal rights and interests of the victim during criminal proceedings.

It is stated, that in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the victim in criminal proceedings, the law should provide for the possibility of initiating criminal proceedings (pre-trial investigation) in the form of private prosecution in case, when the victim is unable to bring an application in action by own will. In this regard, it is proposed to amend Part 1 of Art. 477 of the CPC, paragr. 2 part 7 art. 55 of the CPC

Author Biography

Inna Mudrak, National University “Odessa Law Academy” Fontanska doroha str., 23, Odessa, Ukraine, 65009

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Criminal Procedure, Detective and Operational-Investigative Activities


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How to Cite

Mudrak, I. (2020). Features of communication of the victim in criminal proceedings in the form of private prosecution. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (3 (13), 34–38. https://doi.org/10.15587/2523-4153.2020.214105



Juridical Science