Errors in the application of language rules of legislative texts formation




quality of law, legal technique, legislative text, language rules, language of law


Errors in the application of language rules of the legislative texts formation are the result of a complex logical and linguistic process. The rules of logic in texts of law form the basis of a legislative text, and are the framework, on which the legislative text is based on language rules. Compliance with language requirements ensures certainty and consistency, and the logic of the presentation of legal material, in turn, contributes to its accuracy and clarity. The logic of constructing a law is impossible without the logic of its language, and vice versa. The legal ways to eliminate errors in the application of language rules for the formation of legislative texts are: a) the distribution of the whole range of errors in the application of language rules for drafting legislative texts into general, terminological, syntactic and stylistic; b) effective use of legislative techniques as a system of tools and rules for creating laws and their systematization, which must be carried out in accordance with certain rules (legal structures, language tools, digital expressions, rules for setting out the norms of law in articles of law, rules for constructing law, rules of logic etc); c) normative consolidation of the requirements of the legislative style in the form of a hierarchy of division into general and special-legal. The general requirements include: 1) coherence and consistency of legislative texts, the absence of tautological errors; 2) accuracy and clarity, which means the quality of a legisltive text; 3) simplicity of presentation of a legislative text, which means the unambiguity of the text; 4) conciseness and compactness of a legislative text. Special legal requirements give normative quality to a legislative text. Among which it is possible to single out: 1) requirements in the field of nature of the prescription; 2) language standardization as an independent requirement for a legislative text; 3) the requirement of composition (graphicity) of a legislative text

Author Biography

Alla Melnyk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Department of Public Service and Medical Law


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How to Cite

Melnyk, A. (2021). Errors in the application of language rules of legislative texts formation. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (4 (18), 9–14.



Juridical Science