Grounding of the methods of calculation of the bed fund for secondary stationary help
bed fund, hospitalization, treatment duration, optimization, hospital districtAbstract
Introduction: The aim of optimization of the system of stationary and specialized medical help must be the shortening of the bed fund. The problem is the absence of the grounded approach to determination of the profiles and number of beds that must be kept that is why the elaboration of available methods of the bed fund optimization is needed.
Aim: Elaboration of the approaches to optimization of the existing bed fund of the health protection institutions depending on the intensity of medical help in the context of the hospital districts creation.
Methods: For calculation of the bed fund were used indices of the population morbidity, actual use of the bed fund (mean number of days of using bed, bed circulation, mean duration of patient’s stay in bed and the general bed downtime), the results of expert assessments of the grounding of hospitalization and possibility to shorten the stay in all-day hospital. The research was carried out on the base of three neighboring districts of Zhytomyr region where the creation of hospital district was planned.
Results: After using the coefficients of inexpedient hospitalization and decreasing the treatment duration was calculated the number of beds and their profile for the medical help to the population of the hospital district of 182 thousands of citizens for the health protection institutions with the different treatment intensity. The possibility to shorten the existing bed fund by 22% without worsening the quality of medical help that gives a possibility to create the additional hospital of rehabilitation and institutions for palliative help was scientifically grounded.
Conclusions: It was established, that the optimal indices of bed fund for the secondary specialized help must be 35,4 for 10 thousands of dwellers, among them: 27,3 beds for specialized treatment, 4,2 beds for planned treatment, 2,2 beds for rehabilitation, 1,7 beds for palliative treatmentReferences
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